Now Accepting New Patients
Grace Pediatrics
At this point, you have received many communications about the COVID-19 virus. As your pediatric provider, we want to offer guidance and also review the measures we have taken in this unprecedented time. According to available studies, most children seem to have milder symptoms with COVID-19. However, we want to take every precaution to minimize your family’s exposure.
How we are addressing this health crisis:
Continuing with office hygiene practices. (*Cleaning between patients and nightly deep clean)
Recommending patients and families wait in the car
Practicing “social distancing”- *having only one family at the check-in and check-out counter
Screening all phone calls for risk factors for COVID-19 and isolating those patients
Staying up to date with all guidelines/recommendations for the care/screening of our patients
Removing toys and books from the rooms to minimize exposure for your child
Recommending limiting the number of people accompanying the patient (* 1 parent/guardian per pt)
What we are NOT able to do:
Provide personal protection equipment (mask, gowns, etc) for you to take home
Provide separate waiting rooms
What we ask of you:
Please CALL or send us a portal message FIRST if your child is ill ( NO WALK-INS)
Please understand that we must follow CDC criteria for ordering the COVID-19 test:
-Travel to a level 3 country
- Contact with an individual with known COVID-19 or suspected positive COVID-19 test
- Criteria will likely change, and widespread testing will be available in the near future
General advice:
Keep your child at home if he/she is sick
Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based cleanser
Teach and model to your child cough/sneeze hygiene -*Cough or sneeze into a tissue and discard or cough into the elbow
Practice social distancing - * avoid crowds, public outings, and keep 6ft distance from others, avoid play date